05 October 2013

Titles, titles

So, currently I'm working on four series at once.  I often jump back and forth between books, and this suits my mood at the moment.  I'm on track to get Bones of the Fair out in November (I work on it on the train in the morning when I'm at my writing best).

One of the books is the first in a series I've been itching to start for a while - a "virtual reality game" plot involving AI's, personal spaceships, duelling, and all sorts of over the top and unlikely things (along with addressing some of the questions of gender and identity which arise playing avatars online).  The game (which is called Dream Speed) is set in a post-singularity universe, and while I know the name of the first volume (Snug Ship), I've been tossing around what to call the series.

So, given that you know nothing about this book except that it's about someone playing a virtual reality game involving spaceships in the far future, which of these series titles would catch your attention?
  • Next Level
  • The Singularity Game
  • Dream Speed
There's a poll in the right hand column of the blog, so feel free to select one, or comment on this post.  [I'm sure I'll think of more names in the year or so it takes me to write a book, but starting impressions can't hurt.


  1. I tried to vote but it doesn't seem to be showing anything for the results...

    Out of those options I like "Next Level" best, maybe "Singularity Game". "Dream Speed" sounds like it should be about cars of speedboats or something.

  2. Voted for 'The Singularity Game' - something about the name catches my fancy.

    Also woooo Bones of the Fair!

  3. Next Level and The Singularity Game sound like they convey the right impression but are a bit bland IMO. I went with Dream Speed.

    Also - four series, huh? I wondered why you'd gone a bit quiet for the past couple of months ;)

  4. Hah - the quiet was more to do with my day job involving a sudden heap of work and mental energy.

  5. missed the poll - busy busy busy - I like dream speed, too many singularity titles around already


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Catching up

 Not a great deal to report, I'm afraid.  A lot of life events have interfered this year, and I've been very unproductive.  Still fo...