07 November 2022

Getting closer

Maybe three chapters to go? Am aiming toward a first draft toward the end of November, and then beta readers, editors, etc. So end of year is possible (but never guaranteed!).

Also started a side project today which I'll write on and off to take mental breaks. 'Firsts' was a side project that sat on the back burner for a couple of years, until I suddenly decided to finish it. This one (working title 'Three Lives') is a system apocalypse heavily based on the Chinese webnovels I've been reading about holographic games. It'll remind people a little of 'The Starfighter Invitation', but is more traditional to the sub-genre than TSI. One of those stories I write purely because I want to read another in the style, but can't find anything that suits me. Don't expect to see it for years.
First sentence: Dying wasn't fun, but being reborn managed to be worse.

Catching up

 Not a great deal to report, I'm afraid.  A lot of life events have interfered this year, and I've been very unproductive.  Still fo...