On the good and bad news front. I have written quite a lot this year! I have continued to make forward progress on Tangleways (finally getting past a small hurdle that was stopping me). But I don't think I'll have any new books out this year. Next year should be a bumper year though - I'm absolutely determined to get Tangleways out as my next release.
06 September 2023
05 May 2023
Writing progress
Just checking in. Making steady, if slow, progress on Tangleways. I'm still aiming to finish it this year, but haven't been nearly as quick as I like.
My speed on different types of stories, and sections in them, can vary wildly. Second books in a series are particularly hard because it's necessary to introduce the existing world and through-plot while carrying the new one in an interesting way, and avoiding it turning into a dull info-dump. So the establishment chapters of Tangleways have been particularly challenging for me (bringing in enough of the world without weighing everything down), with such a complex world as the Trifold.
I also needed to settle some plot details before I could start writing toward them, and fortunately have figured out some of the major ones. I tend to look forward to and plan out 'fun scenes', and am soon to reach some of them, which will be nice.
Anyway, still here, still going! My philosophy on writing is that as long as I keep adding new sentences, even if it's only one a day, I'll eventually end up with a book.
Catching up
Not a great deal to report, I'm afraid. A lot of life events have interfered this year, and I've been very unproductive. Still fo...
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